Recently we have come across yet another open source Learning Management System OLAT short form of Online Learning And Training. OLAT mostly written in Java which supports around 700 users simultaneously on a standard Linux server.
It has simple yet powerful front end, users will find it easy to navigate through the system. OLAT is multilingual and supports more than 15 languages. OLAT supports e-learning standards such as SCORM, IMS CP and QTI etc.
Following are few features of OLAT
Users & Groups
Unlimited number of accountsDifferent rolesVarious authentication methodsAdministrators can add, modify or delete usersPersonalized authoring and learning environmentManage your files via HTTP or WebDAV Calendar (per course, per group and combined personal calendar) Instant Messenger: See who is online and chat with others using either the integrated chat client (AJAX based) or an external Jabber client Authentication OptionsUsers can create their own accounts (with/without approval by administrators)Direct login into OLAT with OLAT user name and passwordAccess file system via WebDAV login Course ManagementFlexible course systemBased on IMS learning design concepts Create a personalized course structure according to your needs Course editor: create your course using OLAT course elements Group management: manage your learners Rights management: grant specific users access to course tools Assessment tool: assess your learners Course Elements OLAT OffersWikiSingle pages with integrated WYSIWYG HTML editorInclude external pages or sites via tunnelingBoth SCORM and IMS Content PackagesTasks with drop box, sample solution and scoresTests (with scores) and self-tests (anonymous, no scores) based on QTI standardQuestionnaire for course evaluations