
Open Source Projects Index: O

Open Cluster Framework Project
The purpose of this project is to define standard clustering APIs for some basic capabilities.
Open Internationalization Initiative
The Free Standards Group Open Internationalization Initiative (OpenI18N) is a voluntary working group that IBM is sponsoring. The group focuses on software and application portability and interoperability in the international context.
Open Object Rexx Team
Object REXX is an interpreted scripting language based on Programming Language REXX.
Open Visualization Data Explorer
Open Visualization Data Explorer is a visualization framework that gives users the ability to apply advanced visualization and analysis techniques to their data. These techniques can be applied to help users gain new insights into data from applications in a wide variety of fields including science, engineering, medicine and business.
Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP)
Visit the Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP), a free and open application security community dedicated to finding and fighting the causes of insecure software.
AFS is a distributed filesystem offering a client-server architecture for file sharing, providing location independence, scalability and transparent migration capabilities for data.
openCryptoki is a PKCS#11 implementation for Linux. It includes drivers and libraries to enable IBM cryptographic hardware as well as a software token for testing.
OpenDX is a powerful package for the visualization of scientific, engineering and analytical data.
OpenHPI is a project intended to provide an implementation of the SA Forum's Hardware Platform Interface.
The OpenI18N specification is a globalization specification for open source platforms.
OpenLDAP Software is an open source implementation of the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol. The suite includes utilities, tools, libraries, and sample clients.
Pegasus is an open-source implementation of the DMTF CIM and WBEM standards. It is designed to be portable and highly modular.
OpenPrinting is a set of standards that will address the needs of desktop to enterprise-ready printing
OpenSSH on AIX
Open SSH for AIX.
OProfile is a system-wide profiler for Linux systems, capable of profiling all running code at low overhead.
OS/2 to Linux Porting Package
OS/2 Linux is a run-time shared object library for console-based applications. It provides the OS/2 base set of APIs in a dynamically linked run-time library. It also supplies a set of custom OS/2 header files to be used in place of the standard files during the compilation of GCC compiler source code.

Courtesy: IBM